
Not Your Usual Kind of Elevator Music

2020. augusztus 04.

Keyboardist Viktor Bori teamed up with multi-instrumentalist 10BEL to groove in a way that is more typical of his children’s generation than his own – but it sure keeps your feet tapping.

As a session pianist and bandleader Viktor Bori has been known for never leaving out the main ingredient (”It don’t mean a thing, if it ain’t got that swing”), whatever he was brewing. He completed his studies in the Netherlands following up on the degree he got in Hungary, and played extensively in the main cities of these two countries as well as Germany, backing up trumpet great Ack van Rooyen, the melodious guitarist Attila László, such brilliant reedmen as Florian Bramböck and Tony Lakatos not to forget late masters Gyula Csepregi and Peter Massink. Moving to the Hungarian town of Cegléd to raise his offsprings did not keep him away from the buzz, for many years he hosted Bori Jazz, a lovely weekend of jamming around Walpurgis Night, using his family name to allude to another, albeit a large-scale summer jazzfest in Finland.

Now that he is not the only one to hold a university degree in jazz performance in the family, he is planning to release something really fresh: five tracks that he has recorded with 10BEL, the alias of multi-instrumentalist and producer Dávid Szedlár. Recordings have been made in The Hague, where 10BEL resides, and in Cegléd. Joining the duo on two tracks is the bandleader-drummer Szilárd Banai, a long-time collaborator of Bori. On live gigs they are prepared to grow into a quintet, as they were at the local events of the International Jazz Day 2019, including Péter Kővári on e-bass and Jose Serrano from Portugal on trumpet.

Matching the listening habits of the generation they are trying to attract, the Cam Bori project is releasing its work, all compositions of the leader online, for the time being five tracks at  https://cambori.hearnow.com/ Besides making the music digitally available, listeners and would-be fans or buyers have a chance to crowd-finance the completion of the project at the website: https://www.patreon.com/cambori

Three tracks of the current release are associated with sounds and feelings of exactly defined places (Elevator/Bedtime/Dance Music), while the other two are really energising with rhythms from Africa (Macumba/Seven), the latter not just making you want to tap your feet, but get right up.



Jazz koncertek - Jazz Concerts in Hungary

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